
Fertility Testing

27 bytes added, 21:19, 30 April 2013
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====AMF Blood Test====
Yet again I have also had a fair few of these, . Just a simple blood test that can be done on any day of your cycle. This test is to show if you have a good reserve of eggs in your Ovariesovaries.
====Day 3 Blood Test====
‘Day 3 Bloods’ usually refer to the hormones E2, FSH and LH. E2 refers to estrogenoestrogen, the main female hormone which is secreted from the ovary. FSH is Follicle-Stimulating hormoneHormone. This hormone is released from the brain and stimulates the ovary to mature an egg. LH refers to ‘luteinizing 'luteinizing hormone,’ which is integral in the final maturation and release of a mature follicle.
====Thyroid and Prolactin Blood Tests====
Yet again more blood test, tests. Do you feel like a pincushion yet?
These tests are crucial as they test your general health and play a big part in the regularity of your monthly cycle.
====Antral Follicle Count====
Yay its , it's not a blood test , I hear you say, . Well don't be too excited its a ; it's an internal ultrasound( vaginal).
This is done at the day 3 blood tests and it checks for the overall health of your ovaries, How how many follicles you have(potential eggs), The and the thickness and texture of your uterine lining.
Word of advise advice, take some wet wipes and a panty liner with you as they use a lot of lubricant.
====HIV,HEP B & C, SYPHILIS and Rubella====
Last , but not least , more blood tests.
These are to check you are not carrying anything nasty and that you are upto up to date with your Rubella inoculations.
These have to be done before and every 12 months if your you are receiving any form of assistance with conceivingtrying to conceive.
If you have a nice Doctor he will be kind and send you for the above tests on day three to save you more jab later in the month.
More information on these test can be found at [ NHSDIRECT]
--[[User:Kerryflump|Kerryflump]] ([[User talk:Kerryflump|talk]]) 19:55, 30 April 2013 (UTC)