How to create titles - important!

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How to create the Title for your story

Titles/Headings are MAGIC in a Wiki, so you need to add them and treat them wisely. If the Wiki can understand your titles, and it's a long article, it will automatically create a Table of Contents at the top of your piece.

In a nutshell, you add = signs to either side of the title. Just == on either side for the first and biggest one, then === on either side for a subtitle and ==== for even smaller and so on. You might have one big one, then several with the same smaller titles, that's fine.


At the top of the story, still in the Edit Window, where you would put the title, click the = ("equals" key) 2 times. Then type in Kerry's Story or Godzilla's Story (or whatever your name is) and click the = 2 times again. Your title should look something like this...

== Godzilla's Story ==

If you are not sure if you are doing it right, then click the "Show Preview" button at the bottom of the page and you can see how it will look. But don't forget to click "Save Page" when you have finished!

To separate paragraphs, just press return twice

You can create Smaller titles by adding more = signs, so...

=== My First Visit to the Clinic ===

Would be a sub-title of the first one you made.