
Kerry's Premature Birth Experience

83 bytes added, 17:25, 1 May 2013
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[[File:Jake in NICU.JPG|300px|right]]
My first born was born prematurely, born at 34 weeks which compared to some is nothing I know, But still a worrying time for most.
The story of his birth can be found in the Birth section [ / KERRY'SBIRTHSTORY], But i will tell you here abit about after he was born.
[[File:Jake on billie board.JPG|200px|left]]
Over the next few days he developed jaundice and became quite unwell in himself, Refusing feeds and just sleeping as he didn't have the energy for it at all.He was placed on a billie-board with uv lights to reduce the effects of the buildup of bilirubin in his bloodstream. He continued this treatment for about 48 hour,after lots of heel prick blood test, they said he was back to a healthy level, The yellowing of his eye and the yellow/red tone of his skin slowly went away over the next couple of weeks.