
Mad Margaret's Birth Stories

569 bytes added, 21:44, 28 April 2013
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This time it was easier and more natural. The pains started around 9 in the morning and were a bit like period pains. As the morning moved on the midwives popped in and said, yes, labour is going well. The pains became closer and stronger. I had to go upstairs so as not to frighten my toddler. My exhusband lay on the bed while I was on all fours on the floor and sweetly said "Can't you keep the noise down?" He was not the happiest of people that day. I resolved there and then that if I did have more children he would not be my birthing partner.
We arrived at the hospital, with the midwives, and I was given gas and air. But that was all I had as the pain was never very terrible. I remember having a massive contraction as the MW was head down in the business end, which broke my waters, which exploded all over her and the room. Most impressive! After about an hour or so at the hospital out popped a big baby and as the nurse held him up to me with "It's a boy!" I said "My God, he's ugly." She was not amused. He of course turned out to be a gorgeous pudding of a child and is now a handsome young man!