
Mad Margaret's Birth Stories

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We arrived at the hospital, with the midwives, and I was given gas and air. But that was all I had as the pain was never very terrible. I remember having a massive contraction as the MW was head down in the business end, which broke my waters, which exploded all over her and the room. Most impressive! After about an hour or so at the hospital out popped a big baby and as the nurse held him up to me with "It's a boy!" I said "My God, he's ugly." She was not amused. He of course turned out to be a gorgeous pudding of a child and is now a handsome young man!
===Jasmine's Birth===
I was still married to my now ex, but things were far from well between us. When I found out I was pregnant again (another miracle conception) it went down like a ton of sick. It was the unhappiest of pregnancies and my dear friend stepped in as birthing partner. Again, I woke with normal mild labour pains and spent the day working them off as best I could. The bigger problem was that my birthing partner was about to go on holiday and I could not get in touch with her at all. After a day of worry, she finally got back to me and agreed to meet me at the hospital.
The birth was not ideal. All was well until the later very protracted and painful stages of labour and yet again I was given Pethidine. This time I just didn't want to breathe and I vividly remember my friend calling me back from death and death seemed so nice. Gradually, I came round, but pushing was just too difficult. I was more tired than I had ever been. The obstetrician came to check on how things were progressing and said that the baby was a Face Presentation - in other words, not the top of the head, but the whole face. I can only imagine how bizarre this must have looked to the MWs, to see a face peeking out!
So back in ruddy stirrups and the forceps were at the ready. And then a contraction to end all contractions and everyone screaming Push PUSH! And lo and behold, out popped a daughter. She was fine and none the worse for her ordeal. I remember being alone with her, in a room to ourselves, and crying happy tears. Finally, a little girl to complete our family.