
User:Mad Margaret

3 bytes removed, 13:53, 13 May 2013
A little about me, the mum
I have 5 children. I still can't quite believe that. 5 children. How on earth did that happen?
I got married in 1981 and after 8 years of happy life, decided to crucify my marriage and carry on having children against my husband's wishes. Perhaps wishes wish is too light a word, demands demand might be better. He responded to this with that cliché of clichés, infidelity. We had 3 children together, two sons (now 24 and 26) and a daughter, 18. We remained married for far too long and after 20 years divorced amicably. I suppose I assumed I would remain single for the rest of my life, but that was not to be and I met my current husband (keeps him on his toes) only 3 years after I had separated from my ex. I was rather horrified to discover that he was a lot younger than I thought and decided (for both of us) that it couldn't work with an age gap of 16 years. But you don't get a lot of choice with love and before we knew it we were living together. He proposed to me, on stage, on the last night of a show I was directing. I had absolutely no idea and nearly fainted when I realized what was going on....